Friday 30 November 2012

Effect of Violent films.

Personally i don't see anything wrong with violence in films. I see how violent films could have a negative effect on people. I think the producers need to consider their type of audience. Then proceed to decide on the nature of the violence in the film. Producers should consider that maybe some members of the audience may have been through traumatic experiences, therefore i do think they should think carefully about the nature of the violence. I think they should tread carefully on grounds like rape and abortion. I think anything else wouldn't be a problem. My only reasoning for saying that rape and abortion should be treated carefully is because they are obviously very traumatic experiences to go through. And having to watch either of these in a film must be very disturbing, bringing back all bad memories. On the other side of that, i think the audience should look into a film before watching it, they need to decide if they're mentally stable enough to deal with watching it. An example of the negative effects violence could have is James Holmes, a 24 year old man who attended the screening of the last Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises, in Aurora, Colorado, dressed as the Joker, he entered the movie, wearing a gas mask, Holmes then proceeded to set off an unknown gas and fired it into the crowded cinema. Holmes shot 12 people dead and injured around 50.  Not only was he dressed like the Joker, he also dyed his hair to match the Joker's. He was dressed in all black, including boots. He was wearing a stab proof, bulletproof vest, leg protectors. The works. In the 60 days leading up to the attack, Holmes legally brought four weapons at local gun shops an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, two .40-calibre Glock handguns and a 12-gauge Remington shotgun. Aurora police said he also purchased more than 6,000 rounds of ammunition on the internet, including 3,000 rounds for the assault rifle, 3,000 for the Glocks and 300 for the shotgun. In June, the owner of a gun range rejected Mr Holmes' application after hearing a "bizarre - guttural, freakish" message on his voice mail. Mr Holmes had told police during questioning that there were explosives in his apartment, and that officers had discovered chemical and incendiary devices linked by wires. Some of the injured were children, with the youngest a 4-month-old baby who has been released from treatment. Victims were being treated for chemical exposure apparently related to canisters thrown by Holmes.Moviegoers didn’t know what was happening and some thought the attack was part of the show. Then they saw a silhouette of a person in the smoke at the front of the cinema near the screen, pointing a gun at the crowd.Holmes was arrested shortly after the attack at 12:30 a.m. MDT at the multiplex theater at a mall in Aurora. 

1 comment:

  1. 'I think they should tread carefully on grounds like rape and abortion' - Why so? Also, what about death, loss and violence for example - shouldn't they too be dealt with delicately?

    'i think the audience should look into a film before watching it, they need to decide if they're mentally stable enough to deal with watching it.' Isn't this a little naive? If they knew they were psychologically unstable they would not be in a position to make that sort of decision surely? How do we really know if we're stable or not?

    You've included some interesting info on the Holmes case but not commented on it? Does this not jeopardise your earlier argument about 'rape' and 'abortion' only?

    Technically - paragraph and CAPs esp on 'I'

    Fair effort though.
